This blog was created as a means to assist and to provide some light to those who are "conscious" and are searching for more light. This blog further provide information and knowledge acquired from years of walking the allegorical path to spiritual development.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Section 8 America
Section 8 is becoming more prevelant these days. Landlords are having a hard time finding tenants. Pretty soon they will have no choice, but to rent to section 8 applicants. Here is what is happening. Any time your government gives you something for free, it is to limit your freedom, this is a natural law. The $8,000 tax credit for purchasing a new house is actually a trap. The economy will take another dip in 2010. More layoffs (particularly local and state workers), will cause homeowners who thought they had a "safe" job working for the city, to miss mortgage payments. When the house forecloses the government will implement a law that allows the homeowner to stay in the house and become a tenant in what used to be his house. The tenant will be required to pay rent to the bank which will be owned by the federal government. This tenant can't pay rent because he has no job. This new law will allow him and his family to receive section 8 assistance. Are you getting the picture? Any time the government pays your rent you become a virtual slave. Since you are a tenant in the house that the government owns, you can't decide who live next to you are who shares the house with you. Still can't see the picture? White people will be the biggest losers. The constitution will be a thing of the past. Why do you think you were given a black president? He is a sign of thing to come. This is Socialism, people, a welfare state.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Genetic Selection

What does nature do when there is too many deers in an given area? Or when a species has out grown it capacity to sustain itself? Nature reduces its population, it has a way of creating ecological balance. This balancing is necessary to sustain life for that species. If the deer population in the forest, for instance, became too extensive, the population of deers would die off, leaving that species extinct. What nature does, is that it creates a condition, whether environmental, or creates a predator for this creature that would keep its population balanced. You see, death produces life. Without death there would be no life. The two pillars of the temple must balance each other.
The elite have created a solution to earth's problem of over population: the H1N1 virus. This virus was first seen in a movie that appeared in 1994 called The Stand. The movie is based on the book by Steven King. The vaccine that is being given is actually a bio-weapon. The actually mass killing of the population will most likely start on the Winter Solstice of this year.
This man, Joseph Moshe tried to warn the people of the United States but was overtaken by federal police. The vaccine was experimented on a very small sample of children in Los Angeles in the black community through free clinics/welfare program.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Entertainment Industry

I've come to realize that the entertainment, most particular, the popular music industry is controlled by entities from the spirit world. The spiritual entities can only sustain themselves and affect circumstances on the material world through pyschic energy produced by people or the masses. To do this the elite gain power through contact with these spiritual entities where by the masses are controlled and manipulated to produce energy for these spiritual entities. There are three levels in the hierarchy: One, the elite, invisible masters, and the musicians. The invisible masters can not manifest physically, however they can possess people. These masters are further contacted and praised through rituals and blood sacrifices. Many of the beautiful and top billboard songs we love to sing are actually "chaneled" to the artist from the spirit world.
We've all heard of the expression, "make a pact with the devil", or "selling one's soul for fame and fortune". These phrases have real meaning. The entire music industry is controlled by satanic forces and secret societies, beyond one's imagination. In order to achieve great sucess in the industy an artist must be initiated into it. Once initiated that artist establishes an agreement with those entities. Those musicans are used as tools to sustain power over the ignorant masses in exchange for money, fame, sex, and idol worship. The songs that "they" produce on the surface sounds innocent, however, subliminally they contain deep references to their invisible masters. These entities have to be feed. All power comes from gaining access to the spirit world. The elite has done just that. They have conjured up demonic forces that keeps them in power. Whenever an artist become part of this system he has to make a sacrifce of some kind to the masters. Energy is contantly being release by concert goers and fans who idolize these artists. In essence, the masses are being exploited for their human energy. The musicans job is to enable the masses to release that energy. This senerio is similar to what happens during church services when the minister manipulate the congregation into a frienzy causing them to "worship" god. The masses are truely dumb, clueless as to what is really taking place. They are unaware of the powers that lys within them.
We've all heard of the expression, "make a pact with the devil", or "selling one's soul for fame and fortune". These phrases have real meaning. The entire music industry is controlled by satanic forces and secret societies, beyond one's imagination. In order to achieve great sucess in the industy an artist must be initiated into it. Once initiated that artist establishes an agreement with those entities. Those musicans are used as tools to sustain power over the ignorant masses in exchange for money, fame, sex, and idol worship. The songs that "they" produce on the surface sounds innocent, however, subliminally they contain deep references to their invisible masters. These entities have to be feed. All power comes from gaining access to the spirit world. The elite has done just that. They have conjured up demonic forces that keeps them in power. Whenever an artist become part of this system he has to make a sacrifce of some kind to the masters. Energy is contantly being release by concert goers and fans who idolize these artists. In essence, the masses are being exploited for their human energy. The musicans job is to enable the masses to release that energy. This senerio is similar to what happens during church services when the minister manipulate the congregation into a frienzy causing them to "worship" god. The masses are truely dumb, clueless as to what is really taking place. They are unaware of the powers that lys within them.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fool's Gold - The Next Crisis

Everything happens in cycles. This seems to be the course of nature. It is also the course of economic in our world. The cycles of boom and bust continue as a means to an end. We remembered the boom and crash of 1998-2001. That ended and transformed into the housing boom caused by the availability of credit from lending institutions. The availability of credit alone did not cause the boom. Many people were "forced" into to the game of borrowing by aggressive mortgage companies and the mass media advertising, "no money down" ads. Later the bubble burst when the money supply subsided and subprime interest rates surged. Well another game is being played on the masses. It's called 'Fool's Gold'.
The Gold market is booming now. The price of gold is up over 1000 and climbing. The masses are being told to "protect" their assets by purchasing gold. Since the dollar is purposely being devalued in order to convince people that their fiat money will be safe, invest in gold. This is far from the truth. You see, the elite owns over 90% of the earth's gold. The other 10% is what is traded. The IMF, a cover for the global banking elite, holds the world's gold, and can manipulate prices by selling their share on the global market. What the elite intend to do is to crash the gold market by dumping huge amounts of gold into the market, causing the price of gold to plummet. Thousands of americans will loose their wealth in minutes. Those who survived or were not affected by the 2008-2009 reccession will go into shock, caught off guard thinking it was safe to exhale and their money was safe.
I've notice all those t.v. commercials pertaining to gold purchase; the same type of ads that encouraged people to borrow money to buy and flip houses back in 2003. The elite bankers intend to destroy the present system of global finance in order to create a new one. This is done not by force, but by manipulation of the masses vice of greed. Many companies have already invested their savings in gold. This mean further consolidation (mergers) when the markets crash. This also means further layoffs, which requires population reduction implimentation. The new economic crash will most likely be followed by WWIII, another engineered event.
The Gold market is booming now. The price of gold is up over 1000 and climbing. The masses are being told to "protect" their assets by purchasing gold. Since the dollar is purposely being devalued in order to convince people that their fiat money will be safe, invest in gold. This is far from the truth. You see, the elite owns over 90% of the earth's gold. The other 10% is what is traded. The IMF, a cover for the global banking elite, holds the world's gold, and can manipulate prices by selling their share on the global market. What the elite intend to do is to crash the gold market by dumping huge amounts of gold into the market, causing the price of gold to plummet. Thousands of americans will loose their wealth in minutes. Those who survived or were not affected by the 2008-2009 reccession will go into shock, caught off guard thinking it was safe to exhale and their money was safe.
I've notice all those t.v. commercials pertaining to gold purchase; the same type of ads that encouraged people to borrow money to buy and flip houses back in 2003. The elite bankers intend to destroy the present system of global finance in order to create a new one. This is done not by force, but by manipulation of the masses vice of greed. Many companies have already invested their savings in gold. This mean further consolidation (mergers) when the markets crash. This also means further layoffs, which requires population reduction implimentation. The new economic crash will most likely be followed by WWIII, another engineered event.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
White Karma

Isn't it funny, I said to myself one day. This thought came about while observing the events in the news regarding the anti-government/Obama protest taking place throughout the country. I remember back in the 60's seeing black people protesting for equality, justice and against police brutality. Now the sea has changed. It is white people who are protesting, getting angry, threatening the government and seeking justice. White man seeking justice? This is strange. But, then it isn't. The white man has been distracted while his freedom has been chipping away year by year. These things are usually the black man's problem. I see white nurses bitching about having to undergo mandatory vaccinations for swine flu in New York, white mothers, in New Jersey, bitching about their children not being allowed to attend school unless the get the shot. So much for constitutional rights. Even in Long Island, the white population in decreasing while the non-white population is increasing. All I hear is white men saying, " constitutional rights!" What the white man doesn't realize is that his constitutional rights faded away years ago and he was given an illusion that only the black man didn't have rights. We are all in the same boat. The people who control this planet are not racist, the masses are. Racism was merely a tool, a means to an end. As a result of your racism, white man, you incurred some negative karma which will come due at some time. The entities, that rule mother earth, play people against each other, based on ethical difference, for control. They play on our weakness, Fear.
The entities that rule, absolute, are not the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers, are the royal families of Europe, but instead, fourth demensional beings that give the Rothschilds power in exchange for sacrifices. The elite manipulate the masses, in order to extract energy from them. These celestial beings uses this psychic energy to sustain their existence and influence over humanity. Sacrifices are made daily to these being. Energy has to be released in order for the elite to remain in power. More on this later.
The entities that rule, absolute, are not the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers, are the royal families of Europe, but instead, fourth demensional beings that give the Rothschilds power in exchange for sacrifices. The elite manipulate the masses, in order to extract energy from them. These celestial beings uses this psychic energy to sustain their existence and influence over humanity. Sacrifices are made daily to these being. Energy has to be released in order for the elite to remain in power. More on this later.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
True Evil
I've notice that my perception and understanding of evil have changed as my spiritual vision becomes clearer. To notice evil is to look beyond the obvious. For instance, a person may offer you assistance in some endevour, but in reality, he is doing it for selfish reasons. A person who never talks to you, all of a sudden, notices you, says hello, invites you to dinner and so forth. You may think that this person is caring, and has personal interest in you but will be seeking an important favor from you in the future. Once this favor is fullfiled, that friendship is no longer needed. People wear masks to hide their true intent. When a man's "third eye" is actively opened he is able to see beyond the mask and before the charade is played out. This situation happens every time we engage with the outside world. No one does anything for the sake of good will. This true evil is the mask we wear everyday. We each have a different mask for different situations. In one situation we are the nice lady who live in apartment #2, the next minute we are the cruel person who abuses the elderly patient when no one is looking. The more conscious one becomes, the more evil we are able to perceive with our eye. This new reality can create in us a feeling of dispair, and loneliness. The world is not what it seems.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Human Evolution & The Great Work

Man is more powerful than he could ever imagine. He has abilities beyond human comprehension. Abilities to travel to distance location, abilities to create physical objects, and abilities to alter reality that can effect millions of people. All these capabilities are within man. However, these secret abilities are hidden within man's consciousness. To access these powers, man must develop or unfold them. This takes many years, if not many reincarnations to unfold, resulting in great pain and suffering. The unfoldment is done through "spiritual exercises". This is spiritual alchemy. These secrets are hidden from the masses, for their own protection. If given, the carnal masses would use these secrets for selfish and malevolent purposes. Positive development attracts negative forces or oppositions. These opposition can cause many to discontinue their work.
As I continue the "Great Work", I find myself going through some bitter times, since childhood. I have chosen this path (sometimes I wish I didn't). I live a very lonely life. Women for the most part don't wish to talk to me; a nosey neighbor who is possessed on creating noise to disturb me for no clear reason. Discontent shown to me by interviewers during numerous job interviews. I always have trouble seeking employment, dispite the fact that I have a college degree. Financial difficulty like waves; and relatives using black magick to retard my progress in life, since childhood and to this very day.
All in all, I must continue along reading my lessons and "follow the yellow brick road" to enlightenment.
As I continue the "Great Work", I find myself going through some bitter times, since childhood. I have chosen this path (sometimes I wish I didn't). I live a very lonely life. Women for the most part don't wish to talk to me; a nosey neighbor who is possessed on creating noise to disturb me for no clear reason. Discontent shown to me by interviewers during numerous job interviews. I always have trouble seeking employment, dispite the fact that I have a college degree. Financial difficulty like waves; and relatives using black magick to retard my progress in life, since childhood and to this very day.
All in all, I must continue along reading my lessons and "follow the yellow brick road" to enlightenment.
Monday, September 14, 2009
One of the hardest aspects of spiritual works, is remembering to do the exercises. Many times I get distracted or just plain lazy. Work requires effort, and work brings about opposition, both internal and external. The internal, for instance, can be laziness. External, can be a noisey neighbor that just won't quit. All in all, one must overcome those oppositions. Remember, I kite can not rise without the oppositon of the wind.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Today a man hijacked a Mexican jetliner based on belief that today September 9, 2009 is a satanic day. He base his belief that the date 9/9/09 or 9-9-9 inverted is 6-6-6 (666). When it comes to the elite, dates matter. An example would be September 11 or 9/11. On this date our president gave a rare, major speech to a joint session of congress. This is no accident. In this speech he, Obama, used the old mind control, hand gesture tactics that he used in the campaigns. What most people don't realize about healthcare is that many people who is on or have healthcare may very soon not have any due to becoming unemployed. What I am saying is that people who have health coverage generally are opposed to "universal" coverage. But, once a people loses coverage he is more likely to accept any plan that will give him "free" coverage from the government. As this country's economy disintergrates, more and more people will lose their private/employment coverage, since the private sector will cease providing coverage to their employees to save money. Large businesses can't afford to provide coverage anymore. This is the birth of socialism in america.
The date represents the anti-christ, disguised. The healthcare plan will be passed through congress and the senate with the assistance of the Swine Flu crisis. Overcrowed emergency rooms with uninsured patients will further pull the healthcare infurstructure downward causing a financial meltdown in that sector. You have to destroy the old to build anew. This ritual on this date represents a symbol of things to come.
The date represents the anti-christ, disguised. The healthcare plan will be passed through congress and the senate with the assistance of the Swine Flu crisis. Overcrowed emergency rooms with uninsured patients will further pull the healthcare infurstructure downward causing a financial meltdown in that sector. You have to destroy the old to build anew. This ritual on this date represents a symbol of things to come.
Monday, September 7, 2009
World Communism
Before I continue to discuss spiritual development, I must discuss something that will and is becoming an imminent threat to mankind. This threat is the current economic crisis. First let me say that this crisis as all crisis in this country is manufactured from the top echolon. In other words, the invisible powers that has stage all wars, revolutions, and rise and fall of nations of the past are once again pulling the plug on America. The goal is international socialism (communism); a one world government, a welfare global state; an utopian society. Communism, according to the elite, is the only form of government that is "perfect". You see, under communism there is no envy for what another man has, since everyone will have access to the same resources. This will in turn eliminate crimes and jealousy amoungst citizens. In communism, everyone, is equal. When you look at a fellow citizen you see yourself. If you carefully examine america, you'll notice that socialism is slow taking place. Look at section 8 housing, for example. Section 8 used to exist in certain communities, "urban" areas. Now that has changed. Middle class citizens in middle class neighborhood are renting part of their residential houses as section 8; merging the division of social classes. Welfare checks have become, "access/credit" cards that you swipe like a credit card. The shame of being on welfare is gone. Yes, the white middle class is shrinking steadily. You see, democracy was merely a means to an end. Democracy, which is defined as a form of gov't in which it is made to appear that the people participate in ruling the state. The people never have any real power, they are made to believe they have control thru media and propaganda. Rascism is merely a tool, and a means to an end, used by the elite to create confict. It also gives the white middle class the illusion that blacks are the enemy not realizing that the real enemy is the one propagating the racial conflict between the two. Racism will out live it's usefullness and end. Whites are finding themselves unemployed, homeless and dejected. They are seeing the border between them and blacks disappearing. Most still live in denial, however some whites aren't. Gun and firearms sales has risen after the election of President Obama. Many conscious whites understood the symbolism of a negro commander-in-chief and the fate of their constitution. The constitution was originally created to exclude blacks, as many authors of the document owned slaves. So why is a black man leading this country? America has lost its economic prowess. It has borrowed itself out of existence. Trillions of dollars in debt, many countries have stop investing in the US dollar. Countries have stop purchasing our debt, and no longer see america as a economic super power. America is fallen.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Search for Reality

Ever since I could remember, there was always and still is a burning desire to find reality. I always knew, since youth, that the world around me is not as it seems. This search has taken me to many books, videos, lectures, and societies. The search for reality has been my life's quest. What one believes or what one believe is true to them becomes one's reality. This search has brought me to many findings and conclusions. These I will share with you throughout this blog.
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