Monday, September 28, 2009

The Human Evolution & The Great Work

Man is more powerful than he could ever imagine. He has abilities beyond human comprehension. Abilities to travel to distance location, abilities to create physical objects, and abilities to alter reality that can effect millions of people. All these capabilities are within man. However, these secret abilities are hidden within man's consciousness. To access these powers, man must develop or unfold them. This takes many years, if not many reincarnations to unfold, resulting in great pain and suffering. The unfoldment is done through "spiritual exercises". This is spiritual alchemy. These secrets are hidden from the masses, for their own protection. If given, the carnal masses would use these secrets for selfish and malevolent purposes. Positive development attracts negative forces or oppositions. These opposition can cause many to discontinue their work.

As I continue the "Great Work", I find myself going through some bitter times, since childhood. I have chosen this path (sometimes I wish I didn't). I live a very lonely life. Women for the most part don't wish to talk to me; a nosey neighbor who is possessed on creating noise to disturb me for no clear reason. Discontent shown to me by interviewers during numerous job interviews. I always have trouble seeking employment, dispite the fact that I have a college degree. Financial difficulty like waves; and relatives using black magick to retard my progress in life, since childhood and to this very day.
All in all, I must continue along reading my lessons and "follow the yellow brick road" to enlightenment.

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