Isn't it funny, I said to myself one day. This thought came about while observing the events in the news regarding the anti-government/Obama protest taking place throughout the country. I remember back in the 60's seeing black people protesting for equality, justice and against police brutality. Now the sea has changed. It is white people who are protesting, getting angry, threatening the government and seeking justice. White man seeking justice? This is strange. But, then it isn't. The white man has been distracted while his freedom has been chipping away year by year. These things are usually the black man's problem. I see white nurses bitching about having to undergo mandatory vaccinations for swine flu in New York, white mothers, in New Jersey, bitching about their children not being allowed to attend school unless the get the shot. So much for constitutional rights. Even in Long Island, the white population in decreasing while the non-white population is increasing. All I hear is white men saying, "...my constitutional rights!" What the white man doesn't realize is that his constitutional rights faded away years ago and he was given an illusion that only the black man didn't have rights. We are all in the same boat. The people who control this planet are not racist, the masses are. Racism was merely a tool, a means to an end. As a result of your racism, white man, you incurred some negative karma which will come due at some time. The entities, that rule mother earth, play people against each other, based on ethical difference, for control. They play on our weakness, Fear.
The entities that rule, absolute, are not the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers, are the royal families of Europe, but instead, fourth demensional beings that give the Rothschilds power in exchange for sacrifices. The elite manipulate the masses, in order to extract energy from them. These celestial beings uses this psychic energy to sustain their existence and influence over humanity. Sacrifices are made daily to these being. Energy has to be released in order for the elite to remain in power. More on this later.
The entities that rule, absolute, are not the Rothschilds, the Rockerfellers, are the royal families of Europe, but instead, fourth demensional beings that give the Rothschilds power in exchange for sacrifices. The elite manipulate the masses, in order to extract energy from them. These celestial beings uses this psychic energy to sustain their existence and influence over humanity. Sacrifices are made daily to these being. Energy has to be released in order for the elite to remain in power. More on this later.
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