As some of you may have known, there has been a controversy between, an internet film developer named Lenon Honor and Professor Griff of the Hip Hop group Public Enemy. This controversy started when Lenon produced a documentary called Hip Hop the Hidden Hand & the Degradation of Black Masculinity. This video documentary depicted Prof. Griff posing, on his album cover called Black Draft, with a man behind him. Both Professor Griff and the gentleman behind him are both naked. The discovery, of course, suggested that Professor Griff might have engaged in some kind of homosexual ritual in order to get a record deal with Luke Records. The discovery also suggested that Professor Griff is a hypocrite, since he had made an audience, exposing "gay rappers", amongst other things, on YouTube.
Let's analyze the situation. Let's separate facts from fiction. I know three things in life are certain. One, truth is stranger than fiction. Second, the masses, the people, of planet earth are hard-wired to a fake reality. And last but not least, Man will aways seek creative ways to make Money.

First of all, I have notice a few things about this conflict situation between the parties involved. First of, Professor Griff became extremely emotional after the video was released. He displayed irrational behavior; leaving numerous negative message on Lenon's facebook page and on his website. He even left a message on Lenon's wife's facebook page. Griff even left his phone number for the entire world to see. Unless he plans to change his number in the near future, that is not a wise decision.
Professor Griff's "logical" argument is that Lenon should have contacted him prior to releasing the video information about him and Public Enemy. He also felt, from my understanding, that Lenon should not have insinuated about him being a homosexual or a compromised Revolutionary. But wait, Professor Griff has made a following of suporters, exposing various hip hop artist about their dealings in the music industry. Did the professor get their permission? Did professor Griff provide evidence to support his claim that P. Diddy is gay? Or, that Jennifer Hudson sacrificed her mother for fame. Or, that Kanye West killed his mother? Or, that Damon Dash sacrifice Aaliyah? How did the professor know all of this? Did Professor Griff considered how Jennifer Hudson would reaction or feel, hearing him say that she killed her own mother. Supposed Jennifer contacted him through email asking him why he would say something like that, what would Richard Griffin say? She could say, "Why didn't you contacted me first..."; which is the same thing he said to Lenon Honor. This is highly hypocritical. Professor Griff is so used to exposing people that he was caught off guard when it was his turn to be exposed. By exposing the celebrities on YouTube, professor griff, establishes himself as a legitimate source and a champion of the "conscious" community.
I believe Professor Griff compromised himself when he signed to Luke Records. You can get a record deal no other way. Yes, the music video, Pawns in the Game, shows further proof of this. I further believe that Professor Griff was compromised from the very beginning. Why didn't Public Enemy and Chuck D. stand up and defend their fellow comrade when he made statements about Jews? Wasn't it Chuck D. who told Griff he had to leave? That doesn't seem like a very "Fight The Power" like thing to do. Griff's departure was most likely planned. His image in P.E. was becoming too popular for the record company. His image, was to give P.E. a militant look. After a while, Griff's job was done. So he was told to leave, and given the opportunity to sign with someone else. Know he is giving lectures about hip hop and the music industry. The best way to control something is to be in it; or better yet, to help LEAD IT! You see people, the ruling Elite cannot control the "conscious" community unless THEY provide you with the information you seek. They don't want you to search inward, only outward. Griff and many other stooges are paid by you to give you information about your world, thus creating it. I know some of you are saying, "no, Griff can't be an agent...he is dropping mad science about the Illuminati and blood sacrifices." What better way to gain your trust. People, don't you know how deep the rabbit hole is? All the world is a Stage. Lenon exposed him because he saw something wasn't right about Public Enemy & Professor Griff. The video by Lenon Honor speaks for itself. Griff's true nature came out when he reacted emotionally (I believe he send over 20 hate emails to Lenon in one day). He panic. He should try working on his inner self. It's funny how the other rappers and people on Lenon's documentary didn't contact Lenon like Griff did. You'd be surprise how many people out there are agents. I also notice that Griff never expose the priesthood; the Jesuits. It's not what you say that make you an agent, it what you don't say.
Now, let's talk about Lenon Honor for a bit.
awesome breakdown!!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I have a novel that you might be interested in. It's called The Escape Diary.
DeleteI just saw your reply. Will be looking into the book