Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today a man hijacked a Mexican jetliner based on belief that today September 9, 2009 is a satanic day. He base his belief that the date 9/9/09 or 9-9-9 inverted is 6-6-6 (666). When it comes to the elite, dates matter. An example would be September 11 or 9/11. On this date our president gave a rare, major speech to a joint session of congress. This is no accident. In this speech he, Obama, used the old mind control, hand gesture tactics that he used in the campaigns. What most people don't realize about healthcare is that many people who is on or have healthcare may very soon not have any due to becoming unemployed. What I am saying is that people who have health coverage generally are opposed to "universal" coverage. But, once a people loses coverage he is more likely to accept any plan that will give him "free" coverage from the government. As this country's economy disintergrates, more and more people will lose their private/employment coverage, since the private sector will cease providing coverage to their employees to save money. Large businesses can't afford to provide coverage anymore. This is the birth of socialism in america.

The date represents the anti-christ, disguised. The healthcare plan will be passed through congress and the senate with the assistance of the Swine Flu crisis. Overcrowed emergency rooms with uninsured patients will further pull the healthcare infurstructure downward causing a financial meltdown in that sector. You have to destroy the old to build anew. This ritual on this date represents a symbol of things to come.

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