Thursday, April 15, 2021

The truth behind the NYC Attacks on Asian People

 In recent days, there have been numerous attacks against Asian people, mostly the elderly.  What is going on?  Most people will never believe the truth.  One thing we know is that most, if not all of the perpetrators have some form of mental illness.  In the past I remember reading documents about MK-Ultra and how it would be used to bring about certain laws and legislation.  These attacks are the product of government MK-Ultra mind control.  The perpetrators are programmed to go out and commit these acts of violence against Asians.  The perpetrators are victims of government experiments as seen in movies like A Clock Work Orange and The Manchurian Candidate.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Kamala Harris & The 25th Amendment

 I remembered when Trump told Biden through the media to be careful what you wish for in regards to the 25 Amendment to remove him from office.  Trump was implying that the 25 Amendment will one day be used against Joe Biden when he becomes president.  

Friday, January 29, 2021

The GameStop Conspiracy

 Something about this Reddit Frenzy doesn't sit right with me.  They say never make emotional decisions when it come to purchasing stocks.  This 'jump on the bandwagon' approach is causing the plebs to pump billions of dollars into the market.  People who know nothing about buy or selling stocks are for the first time buying because everybody else is doing it and there is money to be made.  Did you know that AMC theaters  was on the verge of bankruptcy because of the pandemic?  Because of the Reddit frenzy they were able, this week, to erase a $600 million dollar debt from their books.  This frenzy has become a tax on the poor to rescue the rich.  Most people are refusing to sell their stocks.  Remember money is never lost in the market, it is merely transferred from one side to the other side.